Tag Archives: Juli D. Revezzo


[Today, I’m turning my blog over to author Juli D. Revezzo, on the occasion of her newest release. Enjoy! ~ Suzanne]

In the continuation of my Stewards War series, with Stacy going back to her normal life, running her history center, I realized that mundane everyday life wasn’t the end (as it wasn’t in the related series Celtic Stewards Chronicles). There was more to tell, after the battle covered in Keeper of the Grove. Thus, the new novel in the series, entitled Bitter Thorn Tribe was born. What “more” is there? Her history center takes up a lot of her thought and life, running such an establishment involves everything from upkeep of the building, to writing grant proposals, to (our favorite pastime!) research. But Stacy also has a full plate.

Because, Balor. Yes, he’s back too, and he likes to do nothing more than cause trouble for Stacy and Aaron. What’s actually there to make the villain follow the rules, after all? Even in his myths he wouldn’t. Case in point, when he was told to stay away from a magical cauldron full of poison. Well, he didn’t, and that’s how he lost use of one eye—except as a weapon—becoming Balor of the Evil Eye.

And even if he’s not totally able to wield power, every good villain has minions. Balor’s are just a little more reptilian than most.

Don’t let ‘em fool you. Balor’s new minions aren’t as sweet as they look!

What will happen to Stacy and Aaron in Bitter Thorn Tribe? Will these so-and-so’s disrupt Stacy’s wedding? You’ll have to read to find out.

Destined to be a bride, if only the gods will let her…

Stacy Macken tries to acclimate herself to her training under Tuatha dé Danaan druids—as if she doesn’t have enough work in planning her wedding to her beloved guardian and fiancé Aaron.

When Fomorii loyalists violate their treaty and seek revenge for their recent defeat, even Stacy’s druids are at a loss to explain the mayhem that ensues. Can Aaron and his brothers-in-arms stop it before Stacy and her family are caught in the crossfire?

If you’d like to check it out, Bitter Thorn Tribe is available in ebook and paperback at Amazon. The entire series is HERE.

About the Author

Juli D. Revezzo loves fantasy and Celtic mythology and writing stories with all kinds of fantastical elements. She is the author of the Antique Magic paranormal series and the Stewards Wars and Celtic Stewards Chronicles series, the historical romances, Camden Girls series, Vesta’s Clockwork Companions, House of Dark Envy, Watchmaker’s Heart, and Lady of the Tarot, and more. She is also a member of the Independent Author Network and the Magic Appreciation Tour.

Website:  https://julidrevezzo.com/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Juli-D.-Revezzo/e/B008AHVTLO

Newsletter http://bit.ly/signupforJulisnewsletter

Blog: https://julidrevezzo.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/julidrevezzo

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julidrevezzo

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jewelsraven/

There’s also a board dedicated specifically to the Stewards War and Celtic Stewards Chronicles series: https://www.pinterest.com/jewelsraven/related-to-the-celtic-stewards-chronicles/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julidrevezzo/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5782712.Juli_D_Revezzo

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/juli-d-revezzo

Guest Post • #Sale • Passion’s Sacred Dance

Author Juli D. Revezzo has a 99 cents sale on her Celtic mythology novel, Passion’s Sacred Dance, from Monday, April 9th to Wednesday, April 11th. Go HERE to download your Kindle copy. (Sale is live!)

The synopsis

Unless Stacy Macken can stave off her creditors, she may lose her renowned history center. PSDcoverideaYet she knows in her heart that the center is sacred and what a catastrophe losing it would be. How much of a catastrophe, she hasn’t a clue.Until Aaron Fielding arrives with his tales of magical guardians and the Tuatha dé Danann, sworn warriors from Celtic legend who protect humanity from a wicked enemy seeking their destruction.

Is the end of the world imminent? What can she, a modern woman and her warrior lover, possibly have to offer when a long-prophesied druidic mythic battle explodes around them?

Bonus: Includes brand new flash fiction piece, “About A Warrior”

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Passion’s Sacred Dance is the first in the Celtic Stewards Chronicles series.

In a nutshell, the Celtic Steward Chronicles are about the women of a gods-blessed family of stewards over a sacred battleground. It is a property on which the Irish gods, the Tuatha dé Danann, fight a magical battle against the forces of evil, every five hundred years.

If something goes wrong, humanity will fall.

The history of the family of overseers and these battles spans from mythic Ireland to the Medieval period, to present day Florida.


Author links:

Website: https://www.julidrevezzo.com/

Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Juli-D.-Revezzo/e/B008AHVTLO

Blog:  http://julismapsroom.blogspot.com/

Audible (for audiobooks): http://www.audible.com/search/ref=a_offers_30_tseft__galileo?advsearchKeywords=Juli+D.+Revezzo&x=0&y=0%22

Social media

Juli’s Pinterest page, for images and articles that have inspired the Celtic Stewards Chronicles: https://www.pinterest.com/jewelsraven/related-to-the-celtic-stewards-chronicles/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julidrevezzo

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35701916-frigga-s-lost-army

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/julidrevezzo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julidrevezzo/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/julidrevezzo

Juli’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/julidrevezzo

Guest Author Juli D. Revezzo • Druid Warrior’s Heart

DRUIDWARRIORSHEART3flat400The life of a budding druid in DRUID WARRIOR’S HEART
Juli D. Revezzo

In my fantasy romance series, Celtic Stewards Chronicles, a family whose bloodline goes back to the beginning of the world has to oversee a mythic battle. This battle happens at certain intervals throughout time (500 years to be exact), and in each generation, the duty falls to one woman. In the first book in the series, Passion’s Sacred Dance, the steward, Stacy, lived in our time. However, in the second—and latest book—DRUID WARRIOR’S HEART, the story deals with her ancestor, Ruth, who lived in Ireland in the 1500s.

Each time, the women are sent a guardian from the ranks of the Irish gods, the Tuatha dé Danaan. This time, handsome and mysterious warrior Isaac Connel is chosen as her guardian. He too was part of the first book, a very small part, so in DRUID WARRIOR’S HEART, I got to play with him a bit more. What could a man who, when we first met him, was learned, a doctor, no less, spring from? He’s a soldier, at heart, yes, and very much interested in Ruth and protecting she and her family (and does he fall in love with Ruth? Well, that’s a secret the book will tell) but also, it seems he’s very much interested in peace, in scholarly things, even when we first meet him. For, after all, all battles end and 500 years is a very long time. What will he do after the battle’s end?

Isaac helped me answer the question of on what do these guardians spend the bulk of their time. In his case, he wished to study; a lover of stories, and holding the druids of the Tuatha dé Danaan with which he works in high regard, he watches one he admires very closely, and wonders, what might it be like to become a druid. What magics and mysteries might he learn? What will the druid’s decades’ long scholarly career require of him?

That is, after he gets done battling the evil Balor, and securing Ruth’s heart and hand. How does he deal with the battles ahead? Well, you’ll have to read to find out!


As the latest in her family’s long line of stewards, Ruth Macken awaits the arrival of a warrior sworn to the Tuatha dé Danaan, the Celtic gods her family has served since the beginning of time. For on that day, a magical battle will erupt. A war between druids and an evil that will decide the fate of mankind.

Isaac Connel knows the battle is imminent, and is ready to fight, once again but from the moment he sees Ruth flitting around the sacred ground, he’s captivated by her fiery charms and a need to protect her.

Despite Isaac’s assurances and the dreams that guide her, what can Ruth and her lover do to drive off this evil? Despite everything, will the world end at the hands of an evil god?

If you’d like to give DRUID WARRIOR’S HEART a look, the book is available at:
Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and in paperback

For more on these and other books visit Juli at her blog or Juli’s Amazon page. You can also find her on: Facebook, Good Reads, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter. Sign up for her newsletter HERE

Celtic Steward Chronicles Pinterest page, for images and articles that have inspired the Celtic Stewards Chronicles.

Thank you for hosting me and my hero, Suzanne!

Check out the book trailer:

Cover Reveal for Drawing Down the Shades by Juli D. Revezzo

Drawing Down the Shades - Juli D. RevezzoAuthor Juli D. Revezzo has just released the second book in her paranormal Antique Magic series, Drawing Down the Shades. Here’s the blurb:

Business can be hell…

Life is good at Starfort Collectibles until the owners, Caitlin and Trevor Fulmer, acquire a beautiful statuette with a murky past. Shortly thereafter, mysterious hauntings wreak havoc on the couple when a ghost in the attic threatens retribution. Caitlin presses her coven for help before the ghost succeeds in meting out deadly punishment—on Trevor.

ornament29If you enjoy a good ghost story, this one’s for you. Congratulations, Juli, on your new release! It’s available at Amazon HERE, Smashwords HERE, and BN.com HERE. (Psst…Drawing Down the Shades has already received its first 5-star review at Amazon!) Also in the series is The Artists’s Inheritance, and Caitlin’s Book of Shadows.

~ S.G. Rogers


Guest Author Juli D. Revezzo Talks Paranormal Christmas!

Today I welcome author Juli D. Revezzo as she shares the inspiration behind her latest paranormal holiday release, Murder Upon a Midnight Clear. Enjoy! ~ S.G. Rogers

ornament29There are various points in the year where it’s said the veil between the worlds is thinnest. Halloween (AKA Samhain) is probably the most famous one. Others are May day, what about Christmas? Christmas is the day tradition says Jesus Christ transmogrified from pure spirit to human flesh and blood. What of other spirits? If they aren’t able to take on human flesh, as we know they’re not, why could they not roam free in their ghostly bodies?

Many writers of the past have tackled that idea. Some classic, some modern. In classic authors, you know the one I’m speaking of: Charles Dickens and his “A Christmas Carol”. Therein three spirits visit the living Ebenezer Scrooge to give him a warning.

Also, modern fantasy author Charles de Lint in his story “Pal o’ Mine” has a character who believes that “at midnight, animals sang to Jesus.”

So Christmas is a time of Joy, could it also be a time for all manner of paranormal stuff to happen? This idea played in my head and worked its way into my new story, a paranormal romantic suspense entitled Murder upon a Midnight Clear. Herein Detective Helene Collias has the power to see ghosts, hear them and understand thmurderuponcoverneg500em. If she can solve the mystery of their murders is the quandary she ultimately faces, however. Especially this Christmas when she’s called in to investigate the murder of her old flame’s sister.

What are these ghosts telling Helene about this Murder upon a Midnight Clear? Love is one answer…the rest, the solution to the mystery, would take a little longer to explain. Besides, I think I’ll let you discover it yourself.  While I go back to gearing up for a visit from hopefully nothing but spirits of good Christmas cheer, I hope you’ll check out Murder upon a Midnight Clear.


‘Tis the season … for death.

Murder reminds Detective Helen Collias of Holly PD that crime doesn’t respect holidays. And the last victim she ever expected to find in her case files is the sister of her old flame, Sean Grant. Ordinarily, Helene’s psychic gifts give her an edge but this time, that gift has short-circuited. Could her lingering attraction to Sean be blurring her abilities, or is something more sinister at work?



The small casket appeared on the bed beside her. The child lay inside, his eyes closed, peaceful, yet Helene’s heart hammered in her throat. He turned his head. Blood poured from his mouth and bruises bloomed fresh on his skin. The casket stood on end; the boy’s body fell out, flopped to the edge of a riverbank, and rolled to her side. Helene shivered. Her skin chaffed against the dank, muddy grass on which they lay. He opened his eyes. “Help me, Auntie Helene.”

Blood continued to drain from the boy’s ruined body, so much it finally pooled on her floor. Helene pushed out of her bed and crossed to her dresser. The blood writhed and wiggled after her. Helene tried to get away but the red muck sloshed over her bare feet.

The child reached short, fat arms out to her. “Tell him to leave me alone, Auntie Helene.”

She sat up, heaving and gasping for air. Sweat slicked her skin. She blinked at the dark room, her empty bed, and clean floor. Her head ached and she rubbed at her temples, shuddering. “Jesus, Hara, get out of there!”

All these years and you still have the damned nightmares. Why?

Hadn’t she done all she could to appease his ghost? Everything but specialize in crimes against children.

If you’d like to read more the book is available for Kindle at Amazon.

For more on me and further glimpses into my work, please see my blog HERE. I’m also on Facebook, G+, Pinterest, and Twitter

Thank you, Suzanne, for hosting me.  And to you, and my readers, I hope you all have a lovely holiday!

© Ximagination | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Celtic Romance Kindle Freebee

PassionsSacredDance_w6021_750Looking for a gorgeous Celtic warrior? Look no farther than Passion’s Sacred Dance, which is a Kindle free download, September 24th – 28th. Go HERE to pick up your free copy, and happy reading!

~ S.G. Rogers


Battling mounting debt, Stacy Macken is determined not to lose her historic art gallery. When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, she fights to keep the attraction sizzling between them from clouding her judgment. He may be her savior in disguise–but can she trust him?

Aaron intrigues her with tales of the Tuatha dé Danann, sworn warriors who protect humanity from the monsters seeking their destruction. If Aaron can prove what he claims, she would give up anything to help–even the gallery he claims is sacred ground. But with her property set to stage the next epic battle, she needs answers. An old family diary will confirm the ancient legend is true, if only they can find it in time.

If the battle is lost, the enemy will take control of Earth for the next five hundred years. Stacy and Aaron’s budding love might only complicate things.


Demons, Goddesses, and a Supernatural Series – Spotlight on Caitlin’s Book of Shadows

FelloThe Artist's Inheritancew author Juli D. Revezzo has released the first book of her Antique Magic series, called The Artist’s Inheritance, but she’s now written a supplemental story that gives some additional texture to the tale.  Called Caitlin’s Book of Shadows, it’s FREE for a limited time on Smashwords (linked below), and just $0.99 on Amazon and BN.com.  I applaud Revezzo’s creativity, so if you like things that go bump in the night, this series is for you.  ~ S.G. Rogersornament29Caitlins book of shadows v6_2smallBlurb:

Something terrifying stalks Caitlin and her beloved Trevor. Something the bits and pieces she left claimed she had to make sense of–or so legend says. When the curator of their collection finds Caitlin’s long forgotten diary, she wonders will it tell the whole tale? Will it tell why Caitlin seemed so determined to tell the difference between reality and nightmare even as she continued the fight to defend her family from evil? Will it explain why she thought her world twisted? If she really became a witch?

Perhaps the answer lies between the lines of her story, one of lessons, struggles, and the hopes she carried like a warrior’s shield.

This is a side (or supplemental, if you will) story in the Antique Magic series, a companion to The Artist’s Inheritance (Antique Magic, Book One).

Download Caitlin’s Book of Shadows at Smashwords HERE  • Buy at Amazon ($0.99) HERE  • Buy at BN.com ($0.99) HERE • To follow Juli’s blog go HERE.

Fate Worse Than the Guillotine? Character Interview from House of Cards

Author Juli D. Revezzo has released her latest title, House of Cards, just in time for Halloween!  I’ve invited Juli and her main character, Sinjon, for an interview.  Enjoy!

~ S.G. Rogers

Can you gamble with Fate?

A young nobleman escapes the Reign of Terror in 18th century France to find himself dragged into an even worse fate–a hellish underworld wherein he is cajoled and put on trial by a demon tribunal for crimes he never committed. Can he answer thwart his fate — one worse than the guillotine?

Buy links: Amazon, BN.com, Smashwords, and wherever online books are sold.

Thank you for coming to chat with us today, Sinjon. Why do you think Juli D. Revezzo choose you to represent her?

You’re most welcome, Suzanne. Thank you for having me. Why would my authoress choose me to represent her in House of Cards? Well, the Hag is quite freaky. Better to let a man deal with her, don’t you think?

Juli adds: Don’t mind him, Suzanne. He’s never heard of Women’s lib. 😉

Tell us about yourself, Sinjon. First off, is there anything you wish Juli had kept quiet about?

I wish she hadn’t said I was the bastard son of the family.

I can see how that would be awkward.  What is your birth date?

June 1773

Where do you live, and what is it about that area that drew you there?

I live in Paris. I was born there, you see, and the area remains beautiful to me. Really, what better city is there in our world?

I look forward to seeing it someday. What do you wish people to know about you?

That despite my beginnings, I strive to be better than just the unwished for son. I’d like to be a historian if I could, or visit Egypt or the Orient. I just never expected to have to leave home so soon, or in the way I did.

What music do you most enjoy?

Mozart of course, and Joseph Haydn’s “Apponyi” was wonderful.

Will we be seeing more of you or are you stepping out of the limelight?

That will depend on Juli, for now, though, I think I may deserve a little break, don’t you?

(Juli adds: I might write more about his family. I’m thinking about it)

Sinjon: Not to pry, dear lady, but what did you say? You know it’s rude to whisper in front of others, don’t you?

*Juli gives Sinjon innocent look* I didn’t say anything.

What is your perfect evening?

Reading, studying. Perhaps a night at the opera occasionally. I’m not much for the wild parties my contemporaries throw—threw, that is.

What really pushes your buttons?

The fact that my family betrayed me! I mean really, how could they? Is that any way for a family to act?

Ah, the dysfunctional family is the inspiration for much literature. What are your biggest turn-ons?

A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell, but I have to admit, Suzanne,I have a thing for strong females, and especially blondes.

*Suzanne blushes and clears her throat*

Um…what are your biggest turn-offs?

Hags and people who have the nerve to betray me.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor, chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?

You know, they say George Washington loved ice cream. For me, there’s a cherry flavor I tasted at a friend’s dinner party once that I’m in love with. I’m not sure the recipe survived to your time though, Suzanne, sorry.

*Suzanne sighs and consults her clipboard once more*

What is your biggest fear?

That I’ll never get out of the nightmare that Paris has become! Or the hag’s clutches.

Finally, why should the readers be interested in your story?

If they like stories of mystical intrigue, stories with heroes who use their brains to get out of sticky situations, or heroes who get the best of the things which would frighten even the staunchest person, they’ll like House of Cards.

*Juli pipes up* If you’d like to learn more about my works, you can find me online at:

My blog,Author’s Den Page, Facebook, Goodreads, Google+, on LibraryThing, on Shelfari, and Twitter: @julidrevezzo

Juli: Thanks for having me back again today, Suzanne!

Suzanne: Any time at all, Juli.

Sinjon: Yes, thank you,  Mistress Suzanne.  *Sinjon kisses Suzanne’s hand* It was a pleasure meeting you.

*Suzanne giggles and ends the interview*

Hey, would you like to win an awesome 2″ x 6″ bookmark? 

Leave a comment, below, and Juli will pick a winner November 1st.  Happy Halloween, everyone.

The Artist’s Inheritance – Character Interview

UPDATE: The winner of The Artist’s Inheritance and a bookmark from Juli D. Revezzo’s spooky newest release, House of Cards, is… TheBookLookery!  Thanks so much to everyone who entered. ~ S.G. Rogers.

Enjoy this character interview with Caitlin, from The Artists Inheritance by Juli D. Revezzoand if you share this post in some way (via Twitter/Facebook/G+, etc. and/or follow Juli’s blog (the link is below), you’ll be entered to win an e-book copy of The Artist’s Inheritance!  Leave a comment to let us know which way you entered, and good luck. (The winner will be selected on Sunday, October 21st) 😀  ~ S.G. Rogers

Thank you for coming to chat with us today, Cait. Tell us, why should readers be interested in your story?

If they like stories with strong heroines, or stories with heroines who ultimately conquer their demons and get the best of the things that go bump in the attic, they’ll like The Artist’s Inheritance, I think.

Things that go bump in the night? So, you believe in ghosts?

Six or seven months ago I would’ve said no; now I have way too much overwhelming personal experience with them to say anything but yes. I mean, come on, how can I answer otherwise with a ghost guardian?

You sound pretty brave. What is your biggest fear?

Losing my beloved Trevor to an untimely demise. *huh* Trevor says his biggest fear is losing that damned chair of his . . . *sigh* Yes, dear. I know. (Don’t mind him. He’s been weird, recently).

Why do you think author Juli D. Revezzo choose you to represent her?

I think… if she chose me to represent her at all, and I’m not saying she did because what does that even mean? (Juli: Never mind, Caitlin. We’ll talk later and I’ll explain. 🙂)  I think if she did choose me to represent her, it’s because she was too shy—or maybe too scared—to deal with what Trevor and I have to deal with. Better to let me do it.

Tell us a little about yourself. Where do you live, and what is it about that area that drew you there?

My hubby Trevor and I live in Gulf Breeze, Florida, and what drew us here? We took the house over from his sister-in-law. Trevor couldn’t bear to let it go.

Your husband is an artist, isn’t he? Tell us more about Trevor and what drew you to him?

His smile, first and foremost. After that, it was how good he looked on his surfboard. By the time he got me to his gallery and showed me what he could do with his hands, I was gone. *ahem* You know what I mean.

What are your biggest turn ons?

Surfers, and artists. 😀

Turn offs?

Anything imp-like, nightmares, and meddling, snarky bosses.

What music do you listen to?

Mainly rock music, of course—you know, Zeppelin, Sarah McLachlan. But my buddy Sealya’s getting me into more new agey Celtic music too. Trevor likes The Red Hot Chili Peppers and bands like that—when he listened to anything. He’s not listening to much these days, really.

Is there anything you wish Juli Revezzo had kept her mouth shut about?

I wish she hadn’t told anyone I was a witch. Or that I was reincarnated from one. Gods, how insane must that make me look?

😮 Thanks for speaking with us today, Caitlin!


Settling into their new home in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Caitlin finds strange changes coming over her husband Trevor. He seems obsessed with a beautiful chair he’s carving.

When the nightmares deepen and ghosts begin lurking—she knows something’s not right, and not just her newfound precognitive abilities. It’s the damned chair, she’s sure. Could it be just what it seems: a mundane piece of furniture? If so, why is it attracting dark forces—the forces she suspects drove Trevor’s siblings to insanity and suicide?

Before the same happens to Trevor, Caitlin must convince him to sell his art. But armed with only a handful of allies, and little experience of the supernatural, she must proceed with caution against the hellish forces besieging her family.

If she succeeds, she will break the ancestral curse. If she fails, she may lose forever the one thing she cares about most: her beloved Trevor.

The Artist’s Inheritance is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Createspace and Smashwords.

To learn more about author Juli D. Revezzo, follow her on Facebook, her blog, Goodreads, or on Twitter

Myths to Write by – Guest Post by Author Juli D. Revezzo

Thanks Suzanne for inviting me here. [You’re welcome! – Suzanne]

Mythology and heroic tales have long held a place in my heart. I can’t remember when I first discovered the Arthurian legends, but I recall a class or two in high school, especially those covering The Iliad and The Odyssey and reading T.H. White’s The Once and Future King. Later, in college, there were a few electives on the subject. One class introduced us to The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. Herein this most entertaining scholar covered myths from all angles and cultures—and he spoke extensively on the Arthurian myths.

Now, I’ve always been interested in that subject, so needless to say, I was hooked. When, a few years later, my university television station started a telecommute class on Campbell’s Transformations of Myth Through Time, I signed up.

Every single time their station has played the series since then, I watch it again always learning something new or being reminded of something I’d forgotten. If you take the time to seek it out, if you watch nothing else in the series, The Hero’s Journey episode is one not to be missed (You Star Wars fans, he talks about our favorite movie there). I’m telling you, go to the source. Seek this puppy out. Authors and non-authors can find much to ponder here.

A short time later, I discovered the Welsh Medieval tome The Mabinogion. If you’ve never encountered this book before it’s a collection of heroic and mythological stories of the Welsh people covering all manner of story-type from romance, to adventure, to stories of the adherence to oaths and tynghedau (equivalent to the Irish geas, otherwise known as something one is fated to do) and what happens when one breaks them. These stories and myths are the ancient tales from whence the Arthurian legends I so loved originated. I was hooked already but this was fuel for something, I just knew it.

As I sat down to write my new paranormal novel, The Artist’s Inheritance, I wondered, what if the doom comes to us? What if the gods come to our door and demand we keep our oaths? What then? So, in The Artist’s Inheritance, that’s the question I made my characters answer. I made an artist break a tynghedau from the gods, and bring the doom upon her family—a doom the family has forgotten through the ages leaving the duty to save them to the current generation—and a wife. 😉 Yeah, I changed that too. My heroine, Caitlin, makes this journey.

Does she succeed? I’ll have to let you find out for yourself.


Settling into their new home in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Caitlin finds strange changes coming over her husband Trevor. He seems obsessed with a beautiful chair he’s carving.

When the nightmares deepen and ghosts begin lurking—she knows something’s not right, and not just her newfound precognitive abilities. It’s the damned chair, she’s sure. Could it be just what it seems: a mundane piece of furniture? If so, why is it attracting dark forces—the forces she suspects drove Trevor’s siblings to insanity and suicide?

Before the same happens to Trevor, Caitlin must convince him to sell his art. But armed with only a handful of allies, and little experience of the supernatural, she must proceed with caution against the hellish forces besieging her family. If she succeeds, she will break the ancestral curse. If she fails, she may lose forever the one thing she cares about most: her beloved Trevor.

The Artist’s Inheritance is available at Amazon, Smashwords, and coming soon to Createspace

About Juli D. Revezzo

Juli D. Revezzo has long been in love with writing, a love built by devouring everything from the Arthurian legends, to the works of Michael Moorcock, and the classics and has a soft spot for classic the “Goths” of the 19th century. Her short fiction has been published in Dark Things II: Cat Crimes, The Scribing Ibis, Eternal Haunted Summer, Twisted Dreams Magazine and Luna Station Quarterly. She also has an article and book review or two out there. But her heart lies in the storytelling. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Tampa Area Romance Authors, and the special interest RWA chapter Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal. The Artist’s Inheritance is her first novel.

Find Juli at:


To Follow her on Twitter

To Like her on Facebook

On Google+

On Good Reads

On Amazon

I hope you’ll check out The Artist’s Inheritance, and enjoy it. And if you’ve never read Campbell’s books, I urge you to pick up some copies of those too. 😉 The Power of Myth, at least. I hope it inspires your journey as it has mine—and Caitlin’s.

Thanks, Suzanne, for inviting me here today! 😀