Happy Frigga’s Day! Fun Facts About Norse Mythology

Frigga (Frigg/Friggja/Fricka) was THE major goddess in Norse mythology.  As Odin’s wife, she was the queen of Asgard. *snap*  She’s the only other being allowed to sit on Odin’s throne, Hlidskjalf.  That was a pretty big honor because from his ‘high seat,’ Odin could see into all realms.  Although Frigga had the power of prophecy, she kept her prophecies to herself for some reason. Fensalir is Frigga’s abode in Asgard. Although ‘fensalir’ translates to ‘marsh halls’ nobody knows if Frigga was really into marshes or if Fensalir was just a name.

Although Frigga is Æsir, and the goddess Freyja is Vanir, some historians believe they ultimately may be the same figure.  The debate rages on.

Much more interesting is the naughty story about Frigga committing adultery in order to gain some bling. But don’t feel too sorry for Odin, because he was a ‘wanderer’ in more ways than one.  He had several children with other women, so perhaps life in the Odin household was often, er, lively.

Frigga had an über-cool spinning wheel she used to spin clouds.  Orion’s Belt is also known as ‘Frigg’s Distaff.’ The Norse name for Venus was ‘Frigg’s Star.’

Now on Thor’s Day, I mentioned the rather weird beginnings of life, according to Norse mythology.  And now for the rest of the creation myth story…

The first god, Búri, was grandfather to Odin and his two brothers, Vili and Ve.  Odin and his brothers grew up and killed the giant Ymir.  Thereafter, the gods created seven more worlds (for a total of nine) using bit and pieces of poor Ymir.

Similarly, I used bits and pieces of Norse mythology in Dani & the Immortals. Just remember, any resemblance to actual Norse mythology is purely accidental. *wink*

~ Suzanne


Daninewdec2017After Dani is kidnapped by Odin’s Ravens and taken to Asgard, she becomes enmeshed in a quarrel between immortals. Worse, when the theft of a magical artifact becomes an explosive political debacle, accusations of blame turn her into an outlaw. To avert disaster, she must undertake a dangerous quest involving ogres, dark fairies, and underworld criminals. Ultimately, however, she’ll have to defy Odin himself.

Dani & the Immortals is available at your favorite online bookstore or in paperback.


12 thoughts on “Happy Frigga’s Day! Fun Facts About Norse Mythology”

  1. Love all your posts on Norse mythology! Hope the Druid uses the magical influence of the Norse gods and propells you to the top of the bestseller lists! Mmm – perhaps you were Frigga in a past life? Cheers!


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